Idan Stark
Science Meets Storytelling

Hello. My name is Idan Stark. Welcome to my personal page. In this page, I will share with you my thoughts, ideas, and projects I've done over the years. If by any change you got here from my web-development resume, I appologize but I'm currently not developing anymore, and will not return to the field any time soon, other the for personal projects that you can find here under the projects page. If you want to read my short story On The Weekend, you can find it here. If you want to read the first chapter of The Diary of Maggie Linklogger (with comments), you can find it here. If you want to contact me, you can do so by sending me an email.

About me

I have a lost of interests and things I'm doing. Mostly I try to manage it all in a sustainable way, but it's not working that great for me. I'm trying to learn how to manage my time better, but it's a slow process. Some of the things I do are:

Now, with the degree about to finish, I'm looking forward to travel the world and see it for real. I haven't travelled much outside of Israel, and I think it's important to understand the world through different cultures and by meeting people from different places.